On-The-Rise 4-H Club
There are many different projects to work on in the On-The-Rise 4-H Club including: market goats, goat reproduction, poultry projects, such as meat chickens, fancy chickens and turkeys, as well as cooking projects.
Club Members
Club members typically consist of OTR students of the middle school/elementary and teens program, but we also welcome other students in Clark County who are not members of OTR.
Put in the time
After summer break starts, club members come to the farm 3 days a week to work on books, take care and spend time with their animals, such as walking their goats and tending to their living space. Club members who are also students of OTR, will stay after program (summer program ends at noon), will be served lunch and then will get to work on their projects.
Goat Bucks
Club members earn their animals and fair supplies by putting in the time and work. On-The-Rise does not give hand-outs, we give hand-ups. When a club member comes to work at the farm, they earn what is called “goat bucks.” By doing this, they earn their animal to take to fair. This teaches club members that their hard work and responsibility pays off.
Business Style
The On-The-Rise 4-H Club is run in a business style, each project genre has their own ‘pot.’ This means all money made in the specific project will go into the ‘pot,’ and at the end of fair, club members will get together, add up expenses for raising their animals, (such as feed, hay, shavings) and then subtract that cost from the ‘pot.’ Then, club members divide up the remaining money evenly between everyone who is involved in their specific project, so that each member walks away with a profit.